I Started an Online Digital Marketing Course

Here is what I learned during my first month using the Ninja Academy All-Access Pass

Karen Ercoli
2 min readJun 11, 2020
Photo by Kaleidico on Unsplash

For years I’ve worked as a freelance coach, teaching professionals how to build soft skills using the English language. Two years ago, though, I had children (twins) and I discovered the world of “work from home” jobs.

I began tutoring children and adults and, marketing myself more than ever before. I subscribed to a number of platforms, interviewed with a bunch of online academies, and worked with more than one at a time. Since then, I have wanted to dive into the marketing world and know more about how stuff works.

Learning the ropes could help me, I thought. Last month, homebound due to Covid19, I took advantage of my free time to change many things and to reflect on my life before my 30th birthday comes along in July. I decided to look up the best digital marketing courses in Italy and I found out that Ninja Academy seems to be the top school to get this kind of education from.

I jumped onto their website and I bought an All-Access Pass to have access to all of their courses for one year.

The first course I decided to follow was the Master Online in Social Media Marketing — 2019 which has blown my mind so far. I approached the course expecting exactly what I paid for and was not disappointed. I’ve been taking notes, spending lots of awake time following the lectures, and experimenting with a couple of things because, you know, they say you learn by doing.

So far I’ve learned an incredible amount of things on strategy. Many times we approach social media thinking we might become the next overnight influencer. For some, this might come true, for the average Karen like me, it really isn’t likely.

Social media is the virtual land of marketing and of user-generated content, a place where we are constantly overwhelmed by an increasing amount of content and in which we shouldn’t feel it’s ok to share any type of information. It has to be valuable and, what is most important, planned.

Strategy means there has to be research to back up how you move on social media and there has to be specific analytics proving your strategy is good or bad. Analytics are what helps us fine-tune the best possible strategy because there often aren’t better tools than others, there are just tools that can be better for your objectives.

I took some time to define a strategy for my life and now I’m ready to start.

